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Coaching Style Leadership: Unleashing the Power of Brain-Focused Coaching

Coaching Session

Coaching Style Leadership has emerged as a transformative approach to management, drawing from the principles of brain-focused coaching. Pioneered by scholars, this leadership style has gained recognition for its ability to drive personal and organizational growth (Puspa et al. 2022). This article explores the key aspects of Coaching Style Leadership and its impact on individuals and teams.

At the heart of coaching style leadership is the belief in unlocking an individual's potential. It goes beyond traditional top-down management, shifting the focus from simply giving directions to empowering team members to think critically and develop solutions. The brain-focused coaching approach, as highlighted in Puspa's work, aligns perfectly with this philosophy. By emphasizing brain-based strategies, leaders can tap into the cognitive and emotional aspects of their team members, leading to improved performance and innovation.

One critical aspect of coaching style leadership is the development of self-awareness. Leaders who adopt this approach encourage self-reflection and growth among their team members. This aligns with the observations indicating an increase in gamma band qEEG activity during executive coaching (Puspa et al. 2018). This suggests that coaching stimulates cognitive engagement, leading to enhanced self-awareness and, subsequently, improved decision-making.

Furthermore, coaching style leadership fosters a culture of continuous learning. It recognizes that each individual possesses unique skills and experiences, and by harnessing this diversity, organizations can flourish. The research mentioned above supports the idea that coaching interventions facilitate learning, not just for the individual being coached, but for the coach as well. This mutual learning process contributes to the overall growth and adaptability of the team.

The impact of coaching style leadership extends beyond individual development. It enhances teamwork, communication, and collaboration within the organization. By encouraging open dialogue, active listening, and constructive feedback, leaders create an environment where innovation thrives. This aligns with the principles of evidence-based coaching, as highlighted in the International Handbook of Evidence-Based Coaching. By utilizing scientifically validated coaching techniques, leaders can create a culture of trust and mutual respect, leading to higher employee satisfaction and improved organizational outcomes.

In conclusion, Coaching Style Leadership, rooted in the principles of brain-focused coaching, is a powerful approach that transforms traditional management paradigms. By focusing on unlocking potential, fostering self-awareness, promoting continuous learning, and enhancing teamwork, organizations can achieve remarkable results. Leaders who embrace this style empower their teams to reach new heights, ultimately leading to a more agile and resilient organization. The research conducted by Puspa, Ibrahim, and Brown provides valuable insights into the neurological aspects of coaching, reaffirming the efficacy of this leadership approach. As organizations seek innovative ways to adapt to an ever-changing business landscape, coaching style leadership emerges as a beacon of growth and success.

Reference :

Puspa, L. (2022). Brain-Focused Coaching. In: Greif, S., Möller, H., Scholl, W., Passmore, J., Müller, F. (eds) International Handbook of Evidence-Based Coaching. Springer, Cham.

Puspa, L., Ibrahim, N., & Brown, P. T. (2018). Increase in Gamma Band qEEG Activity during Executive Coaching: Some Preliminary Observations and Possible Implications. In International Conference of Mental Health, Neuroscience, and Cyber-psychology Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan.

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