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Workforce Engagement

Aligning intra and inter teams using human-centric and brain-focused approach to improve workforce engagement which promotes higher productivity.​

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

  • Donec semper mauris ac elit commodo ultricies.

  • Curabitur commodo turpis feugiat imperdiet vestibulum.

  • Maecenas sed enim eu orci scelerisque dictum at nec augue.

  • Pellentesque ullamcorper dolor id accumsan iaculis.

  • Cras ut erat sed metus tincidunt bibendum.

  • In tincidunt turpis vel tempus efficitur.

  • Vivamus vel dui sed risus porta pretium.

A Brief Overview of Our Solutions

Enny Hartati Sampurno

As one of the top management at Unilever Indonesia, Enny Sampurno is one of Indonesia's best talents who in the last 25 years has developed her professional career at Unilever Indonesia.

She believes in the power of positive mindset, agility, and supportive environment. Having been through leadership journey in the different functions of Finance, Supply Chain, HR, and Sales over her 25 years careers. The journey taught her on the power of versatility and agility. Her purpose is now to create an environment for everyone around me to believe on themselves, take a bigger challenge, and to believe that impossible is nothing.

On her personal side, she loves going to the mountain with her husband. It feels so good to reconnect with the nature and remind us to be humble and grateful. Yoga and reading are another activities that make her happy


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