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Coaching Master Class

Mastering advanced coaching skills for experienced coaches through evidence-based coaching that is awarded up to 64 CCEU by ICF.

Are you a leader who has been trained to coach but found that your coaching impact is less than expected? You may have followed the steps of a popular coaching framework, but you still have not seen any significant behavior change in your team or accelerated improvement in your team’s performance. You may have used open-ended questions using a certain check-list or formula, but your team becomes reluctant to be coached and avoid coming to coaching sessions.

Are you a professional coach who needs to upgrade your coaching skills to the next level? You may feel a lack of deep coaching skills that bring true impact to your coachees, even though you have been certified for years. You may need to renew your coaching accreditation, but you have not fulfilled the required continuing education units. You may also have explored many advanced coach training programs, but have not found a deep, scientifically sound program.

Regardless of coaching skills and experience level, Coaching Master Class with Vanaya Indonesia seems to be your perfect solution.

Coaching Master Class is an intensive, advanced coaching education for trained or certified coaches, both internal and external coaches, to sharpen their saw. It deep dives into core competencies of coaching, based on ICF, EMCC, and AC standards, that matter the most in creating a significant impact on your coachees, team, and organizations. The program is uniquely designed using a neuroscience perspective based on qEEG and fMRI studies.

Who Should Join the Coaching Master Class?

This program is not for beginners. You need to have a foundation with a minimum 30 hours of coach training, either from an in-house course or professional certification.

Hence, the Coaching Master Class program is ideal for:

  • Business leaders who are keen to improve their coaching effectiveness to boost team and organizational performance

  • HR leaders who want to improve the coaching impact in leadership and talent transformation across the organization

  • Internal coaches in organizations who want to upgrade their coaching skills in a way that is scientifically tested

  • Certified professional coaches who search for a global standard of coaching continuing education to renew or upgrade their ICF accreditation

How Can I Start to Join the Coaching Master Class?

The Coaching Master Class program covers four core coaching competencies that are divided into four phases, one specific competency per phase. Start the journey by joining the coaching competency that you need most.

Each phase is accredited by ICF with 16 CCEU (total journey: 64 CCEU). Each is delivered in 2-days online workshopand can be taken separately. However, it would be more impactful to learn all phases in a sequential manner.

A Brief Overview of Our Solutions

Jo Ann Harris, M.Ed, MCC

Training Director, Erickson Coaching International

Jo-Ann Harris have more than 15 years experience in management and as a certified
training and development professional, she began her coaching career as an internal
business coach, working with management professionals and teams in the corporate


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